Started working on Scott’s graphics assignment 1 where we had to produce two light sources on the object, wasn’t that hard to do since we had some help during the lecture.
Dev Diary 4
worked on my first exercise for game Engines on learning the basics of how unreal engine works. we started with creating the templates for the first exercise which didn’t take too long to do took only about 10-20 mins to finish and record.
Dev diary 3
I had fun with the game jam and enjoyed working with my group as well. Around after the jam, we got started on our second semester work beginning with telling little bit about ourselves, what hobbies we have and what superpower we would like to have.
Dairy dev 2
This time for the log me and my group started our 2021 game jam which this year’s theme was lost and found. what we all decided for what our platform for the game should be on the first day would be 2d top-down since it would be the easiest to work with and we were all familiar with the platform already from previous experience from the last game jam.
Dev Diary 1
I would like to get things started by saying hello to the blog, My name is Tommy Hoang and this is my first dev log into the second semester. In my first week of the second semester, we didn’t start much in the beginning but we did get a bit of info on a new game jam which different from semester 1 was a lot shorter like 3 days for the new game jam compared to the 2 week-long game jam we had for the first semester.